Friday, April 11, 2014

On Not Being Beholden - Circus Animal or King of the Jungle?

Lions can be both kings or hoop jumpers. So can actors, except unlike lions, actors willing become trained show pieces. Why? I think it’s because it is the acceptable taught method to becoming a working actor. “Take lots of classes, take every job you can get – no matter how demeaning or awful as it will lead to bigger things. And, ‘Always take extra work – I knew a friend who knew someone in 1947 who got a lead role from being an extra.’ I’m not opposed to paying your dues, but get smart about it.

Picture yourself a lion. Now think to yourself, “If I just join this circus for a few years, I’ll be something great.” Apply that to your acting career. You become a trained puppet. All your instinct is taken away in order to make you easy to maneuver. In other words, taming you. Soon, you become adjusted to this and don’t even realize it’s happening.  When you’re old, you’ll be set to wilt in some zoo cage. What meaning has your life had? Sure, you may be the third head lion jumping through flaming hoops in Ringling Brothers circus, and people applaud you – but is that what you want? If so, then go for it! No judgment.  Otherwise, follow your animal instincts and forage your own path.

Take every book on How to Make it in the Business – and burn it.  They are all shit. 

IF you have talent and drive, there are no rules.  Don’t buy in to the circus. Actors, directors, etc.  should first and foremost be artists. There are no rules in art. If you need a chapter in a book on how to staple your headshot – screw it. No one with any brains will turn you down because your staples were the wrong way (As if there is a MLA rule for stapling!) This is a waste of your time and money.  Work! Be good! Then be better!  Don’t take anything crap work though, unless you truly need it to pay the bills. And most of these things you are being offered don’t pay.  Seek meaningful, fulfilling work.  Be a third spear carrier in something great as opposed to some crap student film. You will learn so much more.  Wealth and fame may never come, but you will be nourished much more than if you follow any self-help guide or Backstage’s  ‘10 Definite Rules to a Hit Career’.   

Again, seek meaningful, quality work, and your chances of making it big and making a difference will be 100 times greater than if you took on every job thrown your way.  Those that matter most are the groundbreakers, not the recipe followers. 

If you do quality work, people will soon be asking you, "HOW DID YOU MAKE IT?"

1. Study (And always question everything)
2. Be good
3. Be kind
4. Be brave
(Now burn these rules and make your own.)